Monday, April 16, 2012

Hello again...

So, apparently Ken wanted his favorite gals from 2 South to have the chance to see his new haircut, too.

Yep, he was admitted back into the hospital late this afternoon. The short explanation (because I am too tired to write a whole lot tonight) is that Ken had a problem this weekend keeping anything down which led to dehydration, weight loss, and less than adequate medication intake. While this is lousy with a capital L, I would rather have him there (getting hydration, medication, nutrition, respiratory care, etc.), than have him home being sicker than a dog. Speaking of animals, both Ken and our cat (Yaya) were sick at the same time. Sad part was, I had to clean up after both of them...and it looked like the same stuff...I asked Ken if he had a hairball, too! (Yeah, so it's kinda gross. I did warn you I was tired.)

The hairball thing is as close to humor as I have today, so just pretend it made you giggle, okay?

I would like to ask a favor...keep Ken in your prayers tonight. This has been pretty rough on him. Thanks.

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