Saturday, February 11, 2012

Congrats, Ken...

Since my mind is going in a few too many directions this morning, my update will be short (I hear those sighs of relief!). Ken went in to work yesterday, and noticed an awful lot of people had shown up for the morning meeting. When he looked around he saw that Jess was there, and that not being the norm, he wondered what was up. Well, it seems that there had been ballots circulated throughout the company a while back allowing for votes for Employee of the Year. Yep, you guessed it, Ken was chosen and was so very, deeply touched. Kind words were spoken, and many of the folks went out of their way to acknowledge that Ken was the choice PRIOR to his diagnosis. Thanks to everyone for acknowledging Ken and his efforts.

And, thanks to Billy B. for your surprise care package. Yesterday was a very special day, indeed.

One more day (Sunday) of work for Ken before the hoopla begins. Please keep us in your thoughts as the journey towards cancer eradication begins. (And extra thoughts for Jess and me, as Ken used his last nicotine patch yesterday!!) HAHAHA.

Remember those extra hugs as Valentines Day approaches.

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